German federal minister Anja Karliczek visits MAB

Weiden. MAB director Marco Bauer recently had the opportunity to welcome an important visitor to his company in Weiden. The German Federal Minister for Education and Research, Anja Karliczek, member of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), visited the modern production company together with member of parliament Albert Rupprecht. The topic under discussion: Creating job prospects for young people so that they remain in the region and have a future there.

What can be done to achieve this? Karliczek considers it incredibly important to combine theory and practice more effectively. “The job market is changing very rapidly. The professional education system must catch up and keep pace,” the CDU politician explained. Companies and schools must enter into a dialog to allow the education system to find out what companies need and adapt its professional education programs accordingly.

This is precisely the approach of the project “ABBO” (Alliance for Professional Education in Eastern Bavaria) launched by the “LUCE” foundation. The foundation’s representatives Dr. Markus Ringer and Ralph Egeter emphasized the importance of collaboration between companies and educational institutes for keeping young trained professionals in the region.

According to member of parliament Albert Rupprecht, the past years have already seen great successes in keeping more young people in the region and slowing down the flight to large cities. He also underlined that education in schools and professional education institutes is essential for giving young people good prospects for the future.

MAB director Marco Bauer noted the importance of professional training at his own company, which makes it possible to train young people exactly the way the company requires. In light of this he considers it an obvious choice to work with the LUCE foundation and get involved as a network partner. MAB views itself as a digital pioneer in the industry with a vision of digital optimization for the production sector. This forward-looking approach requires well-trained experts, who can keep pace with the rapid developments of the modern environment.